Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pimento Cheese, The Grove, and Insurance for Rent Houses

Ok, This is the best pimento cheese recipe in the world. Better than the one's served at the Masters and yes I did create the recipe.

1 lb Mild Chedder Cheese
10 ounces drained pimentos
1 and 1/2 cup of Duke's Mayonaise
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

Grade the cheese yourself on as small a slot as possible, you want the cheese to form a paste like consistency. You can not use pre-packaged shredded cheese. It will not work. You have to shred your own cheese.
Combine all of the other ingridents, stir well, then refridgerate for at least 2 hours. Serve on my favorite white bread or crackers. Trust me, its incredable.

The Grove
This year will mark the first time in forever that we will not be attending the Ole Miss-Arkansas game in Oxford. As most of you know, my wife-who is from Little Rock, holds 2 degrees from the The University of Mississippi and her entire family has went to school there. I graduated from Arkansas and until Ole Miss hired one Houston Dale Nutt, I actually enjoyed Oxford and Ole Miss. One of my wife's really good friends owns a cool bar in the square called the Library(Hello John Dessler) and one of her best friends from Little Rock and Ole Miss, was actually able to get us a room at the Downtown Inn for the Friday and Saturday Nights of the game weekend. This year Ole Miss is the worst team in the SEC, well maybe the worst team, and I actually want to just make some pimento cheese and sit in my chair and watch the game at home. Sure I will be jealous when all of my friends start calling on their drive to Oxford saying "Where you at?" But when its all over, it will be so nice to crawl in my own bed, in my own home at 9:00 at night. For those of you going, have a great time and be safe.

Rent Houses, Apartments, and Condos
Ok, if you own anyone of the above mentioned in Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, or Missouri you need to call me, so you can start saving some money. I have clients in all of these states who we have literally been able to save them thousands of dollars on their insurance. You can get us at (870)732-0707.

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